Goaco successfully joins the UK Police Industry Charter

Company News

Goaco is pleased to announce we have joined hands with the UK Police Industry by signing the Charter, partnering with them to work delivering the highest standards of service to the public.

The UK Police Industry Charter has been a foundational pillar in growing a vibrant and connected community to ensure great ideas can rapidly scale and become embedded into policing practice. Focused on science and technology, the Charter supports execution of great ideas into policing practice and to provide the community with a safer environment.

Goaco is committed to closer collaboration between the police and industry specialists, helping facilitate seamless design and implementation of cutting-edge solutions. Gaurav Malhotra, our CEO at Goaco, shares his vision of supporting policing by harnessing science and technology to create efficiency and capacity. “The Charter strengthens the relationship between Police and Tech industry to support exemplary service and ensure long-term sustainability.”

Goaco and the UK Police Industry Charter are embarking on a journey fuelled by shared values and a common vision. Goaco’s commitment to honesty and transparency resonates with the Charter emphasis on upholding the highest ethical standards. The Charter demonstrates that alignment helping maintain public trust and confidence.

At Goaco, we recognise the strength in diversity and the power of collaboration. Central to our ethos is a culture of mutual respect, where individual contributions are valued and celebrated. Similarly, the Charter espouses a commitment to human rights, ensuring law enforcement is conducted with empathy and sensitivity.

Through this collaborative endeavour, Goaco and the Police will advance our shared goals of security, social progress, and technological innovation across the UK.   This achievement aligns to our devotion to enhancing local communities, find out more on our social value page.



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