Are there any resources available to help us prepare for certification?

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Resources Available to Help Prepare for Cyber Essentials Certification:

Yes, there are various resources available to help organizations prepare for Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certification. These resources include:

  1. Guidance Documents:
    • Cyber Essentials Requirements Document: Provides detailed information on the five key controls and what is required to meet the certification standards.
    • Implementation Guide: Offers step-by-step guidance on how to implement the necessary cybersecurity controls.
  2. Training Courses:
    • Online Training: Many Certification Bodies and cybersecurity experts offer online training courses to help organizations understand the requirements and prepare for certification.
    • Workshops and Webinars: These interactive sessions provide practical advice and allow participants to ask questions and gain insights from experts.
  3. Consultancy Services:
    • Pre-Assessment Consultancy: Some Certification Bodies offer pre-assessment consultancy services to help identify gaps and provide recommendations for improvement.
    • Ongoing Support: Cybersecurity consultants can provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the certification process.
  4. Self-Assessment Tools:
    • Online Portals: Some Certification Bodies provide online portals where organizations can complete the self-assessment questionnaire and receive feedback.
    • Checklists and Templates: These tools help organizations ensure they have addressed all the necessary controls.
  5. Community and Forums:
    • Online Forums: Participating in cybersecurity forums and communities can provide access to shared knowledge and experiences from other organizations that have gone through the certification process.
    • Peer Support: Engaging with other organizations or industry groups can offer valuable insights and support.

For more detailed information and personalized assistance, consider speaking to a Goaco consultant or another cybersecurity expert who can provide tailored advice and support to help your organization successfully achieve Cyber Essentials certification.



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