How long does it take to get certified?

Knowledge Base

The time required to achieve Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications can vary depending on several factors, including the size and preparedness of the organization. Here’s a general timeline for each:

Cyber Essentials:

  • Preparation: If your organization is already well-prepared and has implemented the necessary cybersecurity controls, the self-assessment questionnaire can typically be completed within a few days.
  • Certification Process: After submitting the questionnaire to an accredited certification body, the review and approval process usually takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the body’s workload and any additional information required.

Cyber Essentials Plus:

  • Preparation: Like Cyber Essentials, preparation involves ensuring all necessary controls are in place and addressing any gaps identified during a pre-assessment.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: The external vulnerability assessment, which includes scanning and testing, typically takes a few days to a week. Scheduling and conducting the assessment can add to the timeline.
  • Addressing Issues: If vulnerabilities or issues are identified, remediation and re-testing may be required. This could extend the timeline by additional weeks, depending on the complexity and number of issues.
  • Certification Process: Once the assessment and any necessary re-testing are complete, the certification body will review the results and issue the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, usually within a few weeks.

In summary:

  • Cyber Essentials: Typically a few days to a few weeks.
  • Cyber Essentials Plus: Generally a few weeks to a few months, including preparation, assessment, and addressing any issues.

Planning and preparing in advance can help streamline the process and reduce the time needed to achieve certification.



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