What additional requirements are there for Cyber Essentials Plus?

Knowledge Base

Cyber Essentials Plus builds on the Cyber Essentials framework by incorporating additional verification and testing to ensure a higher level of cybersecurity assurance. The key additional requirements are:

  1. Vulnerability Scanning:
    • Internal Scans: Conduct thorough internal vulnerability scans to identify potential weaknesses within your network.
    • External Scans: Perform external scans to assess the security of your systems from outside your network, simulating potential external attacks.
  2. On-Site or Remote Assessment:
    • Assessment Types: The certification body will conduct either an on-site or remote assessment to verify the implementation and effectiveness of cybersecurity controls.
    • Configuration Review: A detailed review of network configurations, software settings, and security controls is conducted to ensure they are correctly implemented and functioning.
  3. Testing of Actual Security Controls:
    • Practical Verification: The assessment includes testing the actual security controls in place, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and patch management practices, to confirm their effectiveness.
  4. Addressing Identified Issues:
    • Remediation: Any vulnerabilities or non-compliances identified during the assessment must be addressed. This may involve implementing additional security measures or making necessary changes.
    • Re-Testing: After addressing issues, re-testing may be required to ensure that the improvements meet the required standards.
  5. Detailed Reporting:
    • Assessment Report: A comprehensive report is provided, detailing findings from the scans and assessments, and offering guidance on any remaining issues or improvements needed.

Benefits and Impact of Cyber Essentials Certification:

  • Improved Cybersecurity Posture: Establishes fundamental security controls to strengthen your organization’s defenses against common cyber threats.
  • Reduced Risk of Cyber Attacks: Helps minimize vulnerabilities and protects against common attack vectors, reducing the likelihood of successful cyberattacks.
  • Compliance with Government and Industry Standards: Meets the basic cybersecurity requirements of various regulations and standards, demonstrating your commitment to security.
  • Enhanced Trust and Credibility: Builds trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders by showing that your organization takes cybersecurity seriously and is committed to maintaining robust security practices.
  • Potential Eligibility for Certain Contracts and Opportunities: Many government and industry contracts require Cyber Essentials certification. Achieving certification can make your organization eligible for such opportunities and improve your competitive position.


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