What are the steps involved in obtaining Cyber Essentials Plus certification?

Knowledge Base

Obtaining Cyber Essentials Plus certification involves a more rigorous process than the basic Cyber Essentials certification. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Achieve Cyber Essentials Certification:
    • Complete Initial Certification: Before applying for Cyber Essentials Plus, you must first obtain Cyber Essentials certification. This involves completing a self-assessment questionnaire and meeting the basic cybersecurity controls.
  2. Prepare for Cyber Essentials Plus:
    • Review Requirements: Understand the additional requirements for Cyber Essentials Plus, which include an external vulnerability assessment and more thorough verification of your cybersecurity practices.
    • Strengthen Security Measures: Ensure that the cybersecurity controls outlined in Cyber Essentials are fully implemented and operational, as they will be assessed in greater detail during the Cyber Essentials Plus process.
  3. Select an Accredited Certification Body:
    • Choose an Accredited Assessor: Find and select an accredited certification body that offers Cyber Essentials Plus certification. This organization will conduct the necessary vulnerability assessment and testing.
  4. Undergo a Vulnerability Assessment:
    • Internal Vulnerability Scan: The certification body will conduct an internal vulnerability scan of your organization’s network to identify potential security weaknesses.
    • On-Site Assessment: An assessor may perform an on-site or remote inspection to verify that your cybersecurity measures are effectively implemented and functioning as required.
  5. Address Identified Issues:
    • Remediate Vulnerabilities: Based on the findings from the vulnerability assessment, address any identified issues or weaknesses. This may involve additional configuration changes, updates, or patches.
    • Re-Test if Necessary: If significant issues are found, you may need to make improvements and undergo re-testing to ensure that all vulnerabilities are addressed and that compliance is achieved.
  6. Receive Certification:
    • Certification Awarded: Once the assessment is complete and any necessary issues have been resolved, the certification body will award your organization Cyber Essentials Plus certification.
  7. Maintain Certification:
    • Regular Reviews: Continuously monitor and review your cybersecurity measures to ensure ongoing compliance with Cyber Essentials Plus standards.
    • Annual Recertification: Prepare for annual recertification by repeating the vulnerability assessment and addressing any new or evolving threats.
  8. Leverage Your Certification:
    • Promote Your Achievement: Use your Cyber Essentials Plus certification to enhance your organization’s credibility and demonstrate a higher level of cybersecurity commitment to clients, partners, and stakeholders.

By following these steps, you can successfully achieve and maintain Cyber Essentials Plus certification, demonstrating a robust approach to cybersecurity and improving your organization’s overall security posture.



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