What is IASME?

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IASME Consortium is a UK-based organization dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity and data protection. It provides certification and accreditation services to help organizations demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance. Established in 2010, IASME focuses on providing affordable, practical, and scalable cybersecurity standards and certifications for businesses of all sizes.

Key Functions of IASME:

  1. Certification Services: IASME offers various certifications to help organizations prove their adherence to cybersecurity best practices. This includes the IASME Cyber Assurance certification, which is designed to be accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  2. Standards Development: IASME develops and maintains cybersecurity standards and frameworks that align with industry requirements and evolving threats. These standards cover a range of areas, including information security, data protection, and risk management.
  3. Training and Support: IASME provides training and support to organizations seeking certification. This helps ensure that businesses understand the requirements and are well-prepared for the certification process.
  4. Partnerships: IASME works with a network of certified assessors and partners to deliver its certification services globally. This collaboration helps extend the reach of its standards and ensures consistency in the certification process.

By offering practical and affordable certification solutions, IASME aims to improve the overall cybersecurity posture of organizations and help them manage their information security risks effectively.



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