What is Agile?

Knowledge Base

Agile is a project management and software development methodology that promotes iterative progress, collaboration, and flexibility. It emphasises customer satisfaction through continuous delivery of functional software, allowing for changes even late in the development process.

Key Principles of Agile

  • Customer Collaboration: Active customer involvement ensures that the product meets their needs and can adapt to changes.
  • Iterative Development: Work is divided into small, manageable units called iterations or sprints, typically lasting 2-4 weeks, allowing for regular reassessment and adjustments.
  • Flexibility: Agile embraces change, allowing requirements to evolve as the project progresses, ensuring the final product is more aligned with customer needs.
  • Team Collaboration: Cross-functional teams work closely, often with daily meetings (stand-ups) to discuss progress and obstacles.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular reflection and adjustment help teams improve processes and outcomes over time.
  • Simplicity: Focus on delivering the simplest solution that works, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Agile Frameworks

Several frameworks implement Agile principles, including:

  • Scrum: Focuses on time-boxed iterations called sprints, with defined roles such as Scrum Master and Product Owner.
  • Kanban: Visualises the workflow and aims to improve efficiency by limiting work in progress.
  • Lean: Emphasises waste reduction and maximising value.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): Prioritises technical practices like continuous integration and test-driven development.

Benefits of Agile

  • Increased Flexibility: Ability to respond to change quickly and efficiently.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: Regular updates and feedback loops ensure the product meets user needs.
  • Improved Team Collaboration: Frequent communication and cooperation among team members.
  • Reduced Risk: Early and frequent delivery of small increments helps identify and mitigate risks sooner.
  • Enhanced Quality: Continuous testing and improvement practices lead to higher quality outcomes.

Agile is particularly well-suited for complex projects where requirements may evolve, and it helps teams deliver high-quality products more efficiently.



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