What is Waterfall?

Knowledge Base

Waterfall is a linear and sequential project management methodology often used in software development. It follows a fixed sequence of phases where each phase must be completed before the next one begins. This methodology is characterised by its structured approach and detailed planning from the outset.

Key Phases of Waterfall

  • Requirements Gathering: Detailed documentation of all the requirements and specifications for the project.
  • Design: Creating the architecture and design of the system, including hardware and software aspects.
  • Implementation: Actual coding and development of the software according to the design specifications.
  • Verification: Testing the software to ensure it meets the requirements and fixing any issues that arise.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing support and maintenance of the software after it has been deployed.

Characteristics of Waterfall

  • Structured Approach: Each phase has specific deliverables and a review process.
  • Sequential Process: Each phase must be completed before the next begins, making it easier to manage and understand progress.
  • Documentation-Driven: Extensive documentation is created throughout each phase, providing a clear reference for the project’s progress and requirements.
  • Clear Objectives: Well-defined stages and goals help to ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project’s scope and timeline.

Benefits of Waterfall

  • Easy to Understand and Manage: The clear structure and defined stages make it straightforward to follow and control.
  • Better Documentation: Extensive documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the project and facilitates future maintenance and updates.
  • Predictable Outcomes: With detailed planning and a sequential approach, the final product is more predictable in terms of scope, cost, and timeline.
  • Defined Milestones: Clear milestones at the end of each phase help track progress and ensure alignment with project objectives.

Waterfall is best suited for projects with well-defined requirements and low levels of uncertainty. It is less flexible than Agile but provides a disciplined and methodical approach to project management.



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