Our Solution
The technical team at Level 5 conducted a workshop with the internal stakeholders, with the support of feedback from clients. This resulted in an overview of the business requirements, following documenting a AS-IS / TO-BE and a gap analysis. Working as a technical development partner, we built a roadmap for deliverables to create a service called “AMS” (Account Management System).The AMS which is a cloud service that allows clients to login will provide an overview of the client account, subscription, facilitators, and sessions. Building this bespoke solution will allow organisations to have a transparent overview of their account and facilitate their own immersive learning workshops for internal and external teams.The AMS platform is built with a robust and secure API (using source technologies), with a ReactJS frontend, deployed to AWS.Our team also developed the brochure WordPress website that gives an overview of Cognitas Global, their services, the team, and View360 Global™ platform.