Digital Identity App Support: Frequently asked questions

We are updating this list with frequently asked questions at our support center.

Record a visit service

What is Goaco’s record a visit service

Our service enables businesses to track attendence. Instead of asking each customer for a name, email and telephone number, they can just quickly scan the provided QR code.

Once I have the app, can I use it in other locations?

Absolutely, yes. This is the idea behind the Goaco 'Record a Visit' service. Rather than having to register constantly, especially at a regular location, you can simply scan and keep a note of where you have been.

The location I am at doesn't have Goaco, I don't trust registering on their paper form.

It is an idea to speak to the manager about where your details get stored. Data privacy is an important factor when using Goaco. We also have a referral scheme in place if a premises onboards with Goaco.

Where do I see a history of visits?

By opening the Goaco app, you will be able to see this option in your profile.

I can't see some of the locations in my history, Why is that?

We must only store data within the UK Government guidelines. The current guidelines state we can only keep the data of your location history for up to 21 days. After 21 days, this data will be securely removed from both the business, and your account.

Do I need to upload my ID?

We must only store data within the UK Government guidelines. The current guidelines state we can only keep the data of your location history for up to 21 days. After 21 days, this data will be securely removed from both the business, and your account.

What happens to your visitors data?

The data remains within your system inline with the UK Government guidelines. Visitors records remain for 21 days, and are then completely removed thereafter.

Can I add more than 1 venue?

Yes, you can. We will provide you with a QR code, poster branded with your logo and specially designed for you.

Is this a free service?

Our service is completely free for charities and places of worship.

Does this service work for corporates?

Yes, our service is not only for pubs and restaurants but for any business which need to keep their employees safe .


My documents and identity are really sensitive. Is it really safe?

Simple answer, yes. Your data, your documents, your ID, are all safe with Goaco. Your data is encrypted on store, and we have an added benefit - if you lose your device, you can log-in to another device to retrieve them.

Your company is in the UK, do you support other countries?

Even though our company, and our materials are UK focused, Goaco works globally with other ID's. We have users in USA, Germany, Spain, Portugal, India, Russia, China, Asia and more.

I'v lost my phone, have I now lost my account?

Your account is based in a secure cloud infrastructure, which means you are not restricted by device, and your data. We are going to be releasing a web version later this year (2020).

Where do I see a history of visits?

By opening the Goaco app, you will be able to see this option in your profile.

This homepage shows passport verification, and a verify screen. How do I get to see this?

Great question. We are a new service, and being a new service, we are releasing features regularly based on feedback from users. This feature to show your verified ID (such as UK Passport) is in the roadmap, and shall be released mid-year 2020.

I'm a heathcare worker. Can I use this to show in order to get discounts?

We are in discussions with some stores at the moment. Our suggestion would be to present Goaco as the first-point. The more users that use Goaco, the more awareness we will bring together to the general public.

Where is your development team based?

All of our developers, and team members, are in-house and in the UK - only. We are not outsourcing our work, and our group partner specialises in Digital Service development within the UK Government - as an example.

I want to add other types of documents with labels. How do I do this?

Unfortunately, we only have the other option. If you have any suggestions, please do contact us. As an example, we have been given suggestions for the NHS ID, Country ID, and these were added.

I cannot submit my Aadhar documents. What do I do?

We have noticed an increasing demand of Digital Identity in India. We have therefore added the option under Country National ID (so it is generic for other users). Please use this option to store your ID, and ensure the QR code is clear in the image.

What support options are available?

We have a contact form on the website, which links directly to our support team in the UK to respond. Typically, we would respond within 24-48 hours. We will also be releasing more support options such as; live chat and a telephone number.