Revolutionising Household Waste Recycling Centre bookings with OurHants mobile app

Hampshire County Council


An iOS and Android mobile app to accommodate the needs of 1.4 million residents within Hampshire County Council.
Future-proof mobile app development enabling features to be adopted for residence, reducing impact on app development costs.
WCAG 2.2 accessibility compliance, with operational support using GoRun (Goaco Managed Service), aligning to ITIL standards.

The Problem

Hampshire County Council (HCC) faced the challenge of modernising HWRC (Household Waste Recycling Centre) bookings to accommodate the needs of its 1.4 million residents, with a core focus on accessibility, security and reducing operational costs.   Although a web application is in place, Hampshire County Council have a mission to deliver accessible services, through a mobile app available to residents within the County.


Our Solution

Partnering with HCC, Goaco embarked on a journey to transform HWRC Bookings with the development of the ‘OurHants’ mobile app.  This innovative solution, available on both iOS and Android platforms, streamlined the process of reserving slots at recycling centres.  Through iterative UX design and rigorous testing, we ensured an intuitive user experience that met WCAG 2.2 accessibility standards, making waste disposal accessible to all residents.

Delivering the OurHants mobile app in a UCD process


The Result

The successful implementation of the ‘Our Hants’ mobile app has brought forth a multitude of benefits for both Hampshire County Council (HCC) and its residents, such as:

  • Efficiency and Convenience: Residents now enjoy a streamlined process for booking visits to Waste and Recycling Centres, eliminating long wait times and enhancing overall efficiency in waste management practices.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: By surpassing WCAG 2.2 accessibility standards, the app ensures inclusivity, allowing residents of all abilities to easily access and utilise its features, promoting community engagement and participation.
  • Cost Savings: The optimised waste management process translates to cost savings for HCC, reducing administrative burdens and operational expenses associated with managing waste disposal facilities.
  • Environmental Impact: ‘Our Hants’ contributes to a greener future by encouraging responsible waste disposal practices. By facilitating easier access to recycling centres, the app promotes recycling efforts and minimises environmental impact.
  • Future Scalability and Innovation: The success of the app lays the foundation for future scalability and innovation. Continued collaboration between Goaco and HCC promises further enhancements and features, ensuring the sustainability and evolution of waste management practices in Hampshire.

Overall, the ‘Our Hants’ mobile app not only addresses the immediate challenges faced by HCC but also sets a precedent for leveraging technology to drive positive change, benefiting both the community and the environment.