24×7 Security Operation Centre

Cyber Threat Monitoring, Detection & Response

Protect your business and customers from Cyber Attacks with a SOC

Goaco supports organisations to protect them from the threat of both known and unknown security threats. As the digital world continues to grow, we help organisations to develop their security maturity and protect them from cyber-attacks.

The team, with experience spanning 25+ years, deliver a broad cyber capability across every step in the cyber kill chain.

With the average cost to businesses of a cyber-attack reported as being more than £2m – Goaco’s services protect against 98%+ of threats.


Cyber Attack Protection

The Goaco managed 24×7 SOC service monitors, detects and protects your business from cyber attacks anywhere around the world.


Incident Response

Effective 24×7 SOC cyber treat detection and response aligning to your requirements.


Security and Compliance

The 24×7 SOC features the MITRE ATTACK Framework, a knowledge base that tracks cyber adversary tactics and techniques used by threat actors across the entire attack lifecycle.

Detect and Contain Cyber Attacks on your business, average of 50% faster with our 24×7 Managed SOC Service.

Discounts available for Public Sector, Schools and Charities.