Streaming to success for Ecoflix with a Cloud Transformation to Azure



Transition from legacy systems to a unified robust, scalable Microsoft Azure cloud solution.
Enhanced Cyber Security, achieving GDPR compliance and secured data vulnerabilities, safeguarding user data and enhancing trust.
Realised significant cost savings and scalability to support Ecoflix's growth and peak user traffic with an improved video streaming experience.

The Problem

Ecoflix – the world’s first non-profit streaming service dedicated to saving animals and the environment – was grappling with a technology stack that was not only fragmented but, in addition to a lack of scalability and security, made compliance with GDPR and Charities Commission regulations more challenging.

Having outgrown their existing launch setup with rapid user registrations and video on demand streaming, built on a combination of 3rd party hosted applications, they needed a system suitable for handling peak traffic loads and negating any security risks, including exposure of sensitive data.  The creation of a disaster recovery plan and reduced reliance on third-party services to reduce the risk of service interruptions and non-compliance issues was also a top priority.

Our Solution

Goaco revolutionised Ecoflix’s digital infrastructure through a meticulous process of modernisation, prioritising a secure, scalable, and adaptable cloud-based solution powered by Microsoft Azure. Our comprehensive approach aimed at enhancing platform performance, security, and scalability, incorporating key features to ensure uninterrupted service delivery during peak demand.

With the implementation of a load-balanced frontend system, Ecoflix achieved seamless user experiences, even during periods of heightened traffic. By distributing incoming traffic across multiple servers, potential performance bottlenecks were mitigated, enhancing overall user satisfaction.

Additionally, our focus extended to fortifying the backend architecture, leveraging Azure functions for efficient data processing and implementing a robust SQL database architecture for secure data storage, ensuring GDPR compliance and safeguarding against potential breaches.

We prioritised enhanced data security measures to protect sensitive information, implementing stringent protocols and industry-leading technologies to fortify Ecoflix’s digital ecosystem against potential threats, instilling confidence among users and stakeholders.

Furthermore, the adoption of generic third-party gateways enhanced platform flexibility and agility, enabling Ecoflix to integrate seamlessly with various service providers based on specific requirements, fostering innovation and diversity within the ecosystem.

The transformative efforts aimed to address operational inefficiencies and future-proof the Ecoflix platform against emerging digital challenges, positioning it for sustained growth and success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The Result

The migration to Microsoft Azure orchestrated a profound transformation in Ecoflix’s operational capabilities, yielding tangible success metrics:

  • The cloud infrastructure seamlessly scaled to accommodate escalating user demand, resulting in an uninterrupted streaming experience even during peak traffic. This translated into a notable increase in concurrent viewership and a significant reduction in buffering incidents, enhancing user satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Through meticulous implementation and adherence to stringent security protocols, Ecoflix achieved comprehensive compliance with GDPR and Charities Commission regulations. This fortified security posture not only safeguarded sensitive user data but also mitigated the risk of legal and financial penalties associated with non-compliance. Consequently, Ecoflix garnered trust and confidence from both users and regulatory authorities, fostering a positive brand reputation.
  • By rationalising and consolidating services on the Azure platform, Ecoflix realised substantial cost savings. The pay-as-you-go model and the ability to dynamically adjust resources based on demand optimised expenditure, resulting in a notable reduction in infrastructure overheads and operational expenses. This newfound cost efficiency enabled Ecoflix to allocate resources strategically towards content creation, platform enhancements, and customer engagement initiatives, driving overall business growth.
  • The flexible and scalable architecture provided by Azure empowered Ecoflix to adapt swiftly to evolving market dynamics and technological advancements. This future-proofing enabled seamless integration of new features, services, and content formats, thereby enhancing the platform’s competitiveness and relevance in the dynamic streaming landscape. Furthermore, the agility and scalability afforded by Azure positioned Ecoflix for sustained growth, innovation, and expansion into new markets and demographics.

The migration to Microsoft Azure not only revolutionised Ecoflix’s operational capabilities but also yielded quantifiable benefits across scalability, security, cost efficiency, and future-readiness

These success metrics underscored the efficacy of the cloud transformation initiative in driving tangible business outcomes and positioning Ecoflix for sustained success and growth in the digital streaming industry.